APEX Network Introduction

  • APEX : Asia-Pacific Network for eBeam & X-ray Experts

  • Who Should Join? 

    Our project activities are designed to be highly relevant for anyone involved in or connected to the fields of eBeam and X-ray
  • Why Join?  

    • By joining APEX, individuals gain access to various resources including project information, upcoming events, and relevant reports
    • Members receive regular updates about news, events, and opportunities within the APEX global network.
  • Stakeholders from various sectors are invited to join the APEX and actively contribute to its activities 

  • APEX takes ownership of the webpage, utilizing the data and continuously adding new data to the platform

  • If you would like to contribute to and engage with APEX network, submit the application and join the community. 

Join the APEX Network

Join the APEX Network
게시글 작성 폼입니다. 항목 앞의 * 표시는 필수 입력 항목이며, 괄호는 지문입니다. *카테고리(선택), 라디오/체크 박스(체크), *일정/시간(입력 또는 선택, *제목(입력), *작성자(입력), *내용(입력), 첨부파일(파일 업로드)의 내용을 지문에 맞게 기입 후 등록 버튼을 누르면 게시물이 등록됩니다.

You can use only alphabets, numbers, underscore and dash.

Example: John, Doe

(How long have you been with your current company/organization?)

Privacy Policy

By joining APEX, you implicitly agree to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. 

  • Data Protection

    • APEX does not sell your personal data to third parties under any circumstances. 
    • Your information is treated with the utmost confidentiality and is only accessible to authorized personnel within the APEX Secretariat on a need-to-know basis. 
    • We may share your information with trusted partners or service providers who assist us in managing and operating the APEX network.
  • Direct Communication: 

    • We reserve the right to contact you directly via email to share relevant opportunities, events, or important updates related to APEX activities. 
    • Your information is used solely for the purposes of administering your membership with APEX and facilitating communication related to network activities, opportunities, and updates
  • Contact Us

    • For questions, concerns, or requests regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at [ebeam@rcaro.org].