
Project Coordination Meeting
  • Date 2023-10-01 00:00 KST
  • Views 24
  • Nomination Period 2023-10-01~2023-12-15 KST
  • Information

    Type of Event Meeting
    Area General
    Nomination Period

    2023-10-01~2023-12-15 KST

    * All nominations should have the approval of the national RCA representatives
    Event Period

    2023-12-12~2023-12-15 KST

    Venue Bangkok, Thailand
  • Background information

    Ionizing technologies such as electron beam (eBeam), X-ray, and cobalt-60 (Co-60) (gamma) are used in a variety of industrial applications that include medical device sterilization, food pasteurization, phytosanitary treatment of agricultural commodities and other emerging applications in the environmental industries. Due to the increasing costs of Co-60, the projected supply chain constraints, the tightening restrictions on transboundary shipment of Co-60, and the security risks Co-60 can pose, there is a growing interest in a deeper understanding and commercial adoption of accelerator technologies such as eBeam and X-ray.


    To continue to address the regional needs after the success of the eBeam/X-Ray Workshop (Nov, 2022), the RCA Regional Office, under the partnership with Office of Radiological Security (ORS) of the United States Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA), will implement a project titled “Supporting the Adoption of Electron Beam Technology and its Applications in Areas of Food and Agriculture, Industry, Human Health, and Environment Treatment”. This project will commence from 2024 for the next five years, with the aim to improve the quality of environment and living conditions of the Asia-Pacific region through supporting the Electron Beam (eBeam) infrastructure building and facilitation of its applications.

    As a kick-off, the first project coordination meeting will be held on 12-15 December 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand, inviting the National Project Coordinators and other relevant experts. This meeting aims to review and set up a detailed work plan and share the status and needs of the region in regards to the adoption of the technology and facilitating its applications.

    This event will also include a technical session on the trends of the technology use and technical tour to the relevant facilities of the host country, Thailand.

  • Organizer

    Organizer - Name, Position/Organization, Phone, Email, Attachments
    Name Mr Mincheol Park Position/Organization Head of Programme Division / RCA Regional Office
    Phone Email